miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

Hi, my name is Melisa, but my friends always call me Meli. I am fifeteen and I study at ort. i go to shcool from Monday to Friday, and I have a lot of interesting subjects. I am very interested in music history, but I like the others.
After school I always do my homework and in my free time I am crazy about playing the guitar, the piano and listening music. My favourite band is Led Zeppelin!, i really love them.
I am keen on sports an I go to my Taekwon-do´s classes once a week.
I live in a house in caballito with my family, and my aunt lives in another house next to me.
A lot of people always say that my brother, Matias, takes after me and that i look like my mother.
When I am on holidays I like digging the garden with my grandmother, and prepare cakes.
I can´t stand when my room is a mess, I am a very tidy person.
This is my profile , I hope you like it.

1 comentario:

Patri. Brezca dijo...

Excellent Meli! I loved it
keep on the good work!