martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

a criminal rob a shop, detective sherlock holmes is searching clues

Yesterday in the shop of Mr Farbiarz was robbed by a very wanted criminal, his name was Jimmy Who. Jimmy at eight o´clock was in the scene of the crime, there was a lot of chameras and the chameras took the photography of Jimmy Who.

There was no one at the shop at that time, only he was in the shop and the seller. The police came to the scene before Jimmy dessapear. The detective Sherlock Holmes was searching the clues when he found a gun under the table of the seller. The police take the fingerprints from the gun. Tomorrow the results will be ready and everybody will know if Jimmy Who was the criminal or not.
Work from: Damián Hoflejzer, Ariel Farbiarz and Camila Diringuer

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